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Best Practices for Active Shooter Preparedness

active shooter May 11, 2023

NOTE: In this blog, I refer to a security team as an Action Team. The Action Team is a group of individuals who have received Black Diamond Consulting's specialized training, including responding to an active shooter incident. Their preparedness and quick response can make a significant difference in saving lives. 

An active shooter situation is a serious and devastating threat that can occur in any place, including a church. As a ministry, it is crucial to be prepared and have clear procedures in place to respond effectively in case of an active shooter incident. In this blog, we will explore the importance of training for an active shooter incident and the procedures to be followed by the Action Team, staff, and volunteers. 

Importance of Preparedness 

The first step in addressing a clear and unified response to an active shooter situation is to acknowledge the possibility of such an event happening in the ministry. It is imperative to be prepared and have a plan in place. The Action Team is responsible for preventing the active shooter from even firing the first shot, and their preparedness and quick response can save lives. 

Understanding the Threat 

Active shooters are organized and have a well-thought-out strategy to carry out their plan. They are confident in their planning and execution, and they are motivated by their own perceived grievances and not by rational considerations. It is crucial to recognize this and take the necessary steps to prevent such incidents. 

Identifying the Threat 

The Action Team must be vigilant and aware of potential problems within the congregation, such as individuals who may be disgruntled or volatile counseling situations. Additionally, all visitors should be approached in a friendly manner and engaged in brief conversations. Any signs of potential threats should be communicated by radio to the entire Action Team immediately. 

Responding to an Active Shooter Incident 

The congregation and all ministry personnel should be educated on what to do in case of an active shooter incident. The Action Team must plan and train in advance to respond effectively. It is important to note that it may take law enforcement several minutes to arrive on the scene, and what people do to help themselves and others during this time can make a significant difference in saving lives. 

 If you observe someone approaching the church premises with a firearm or any other weapon, your immediate priority is to secure the building and deny access to any occupied areas. Secure the building by locking all doors and windows, activating any security measures in place (e.g., alarm system), and ensuring that all individuals inside are moved to safe and secure locations within the building. 

 When choosing secure locations, it's important to consider factors such as accessibility, communication, and available resources. Once in a secure location, individuals should try to remain calm, silence their phones, and stay hidden until they receive further instructions from law enforcement or other authorized personnel. 

 Notify all Action Team members about the situation using the radio communication system, providing details of the threat and the location of the incident. Contact emergency services immediately and provide them with accurate information about the situation, including the presence of a weapon and the location of the incident. It's important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements or noise that could reveal your location to the shooter. 

 If the active shooter enters your location and poses an imminent threat, consider using self-defense measures to protect yourself and others. This could include throwing objects, improvising weapons, or taking action collectively to overpower the shooter. 

 It's crucial for Action Team Members to receive specialized training in dealing with active shooter situations, which may include tactics such as the Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD) strategy. Remember, the priority is to protect lives, and following the instructions of law enforcement and emergency responders is critical. Every active shooter situation is different, and the best course of action may vary depending on the specific circumstances. 

 In conclusion, training for an active shooter incident is crucial for the safety and well-being of the congregation, guests, and staff. The Action Team plays a vital role in preventing and minimizing harm, and their preparedness and quick response can save lives. By following clear procedures and training, we can be better prepared to respond effectively in the event of an active shooter incident.